Does Too Much Supplemental Oxygen Have Side Effects?

Does Too Much Supplemental Oxygen Have Side Effects?

Does using too much oxygen have any side effects? Yes, but these side effects are usually mild and typically associated with the overuse of MEDICAL-GRADE oxygen. DEDAKJ dedamed Oxygen Concentrator Oxygen Generator is 93% pure aviator’s supplemental oxygen and is completely safe when used by healthy people looking to enjoy the benefits of supplemental oxygen.

  • Medical-grade oxygen is defined as 99.2% (or higher) pure oxygen. Medical oxygen can be prescribed by a doctor as Oxygen Therapy to treat an illness or disease.
  • Overuse of prescribed medical-grade oxygen can result in side effects, which are often very mild in nature.
  • More moderate side effects of medical-grade oxygen overuse are known as “Oxygen Toxicity”, but these usually only happen in certain types of situations.
DEDAKJ dedamed Oxygen Concentrator Oxygen Generator

What is Medical Oxygen and who needs it?

While dedakj dedamed Oxygen generator is 93% pure aviator’s supplemental oxygen, the medical-grade oxygen that is prescribed by a doctor or medical professional to treat illness or disease is defined as 99.2% (or higher) pure oxygen. Medical-grade oxygen can be prescribed for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Asthma, Pneumonia, Sleep Apnea, Cystic Fibrosis and other medical conditions. Medical Oxygen Therapy will often involve a patient receiving medical-grade oxygen at a hospital or medical facility or prescribed an oxygen tank or concentrator for in-home use. You can learn more about Oxygen Therapy at this link with resources from the American Lung Association.


The Side Effects Of Too Much Medical-Grade Oxygen

When a patient begins Medical-Grade Oxygen Therapy, they can experience mild side effects like skin irritation and dryness in the nasal or throat passages. These can easily be alleviated by speaking with your doctor, who can recommend or prescribe moisturizing products. You might also experience headaches or sleepiness. There can also be more moderate side effects, such as persistent coughing, vision changes like myopia or cell membrane damage in the lungs, but these are usually associated with people who are subject to higher concentrations of pure medical oxygen over long periods of time – and not your typical Oxygen Therapy patient who uses medical oxygen at home. These side effects from prolonged exposure to pure medical oxygen are known as “Oxygen Toxicity” and can affect underwater divers and patients on ventilators or undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Some wonder if breathing too much pure oxygen can kill you. Technically, yes – that is, IF you hyperventilate pure medical-grade oxygen for 16 hours straight in double the normal atmospheric pressure. That can cause irreversible lung damage, convulsions and perhaps death. But this is extremely unlikely and the only people who might experience such a rare situation are divers who might be trapped underwater for many hours.

To summarize, the side effects of using medical-grade oxygen at a hospital or at home are minimal. If you are using oxygen to treat an illness or disease and you experience these mild side effects, we encourage you to speak with your doctor. These side effects can be treated very easily.

Once again, DEDAKJ Oxygen Generator dedamed Oxygen Machine is not medical-grade oxygen and is not a substitute for individuals who have been prescribed medical oxygen for health reasons. Oxygen therapies that are prescribed by a doctor to treat medical conditions are defined as 99.2% (or above) pure oxygen. DEDAKJ Oxygen Generator is aviator’s supplemental oxygen (95% pure) – the same type of pure oxygen used on airline flights. Although both are produced in a similar manner, DEDAKJ Oxygen is designed for people looking to experience the benefits of purified oxygen in the different facets of their life.

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 Related:Does Too Much Supplemental Oxygen Have Side Effects?


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